Canvas Bag of Ubuntu

A while back our LoCo (Ubuntu Massachusetts) needed to order some CDs quickly. We’d just run out of CDs in a rather unfortunate way, we’d confused the server cds with the ubuntu desktop cds and thought we had more than we did.

Come time for an event and we have only 5 cds left in the whole group.

So I quickly get onto shipit and order some more. I haven’t heard anything from them since… until today, when a large canvas bag, the sort you might use to do your laundry in, turned up on my door step. Inside was a heavily broken box with many ubuntu desktop cds.

This is great, now we can distribute lots of CDs to everyone!

Although the manner of their arrival was a little odd. Normally Canonical sends these out through TNT International with about 50 CDs to a box. There were about 200 CDs in a bigger box, some of which had obviously been through the post office shredder. This is obviously a postal problem, the row boat from Europe that they send mail on probably hit some rocks or something.

So if any other groups are awaiting CDs from shipit, perhaps they’re on their way in handy canvas bags.