Digger Comic and EeePC turned eBook

Last year I found a comic which I really liked called Digger.

It was smart, funny and the stories and tangents were fantastic. The way the story has been woven over time is also very good, you can tell the author is a master story teller.

I really enjoy the art work, it’s all black and white, but the contrast on scenes where they are under ground or in dark places where masterfully done.

Some of the humour reminded me of Terry Pratchett, there is both cynical story and visual humour, with various creatures in the woods asleep under blankets as the protagonist goes by. Things that would be easily missed if you weren’t paying attention.

So after I’d read a fair way into the story I hit ‘The Wall’, this is where the story became pay only viewing. This was quite a frustrating discovery so I put the comic aside while I got on with other things. Recently however I was browsing and found that the website had been redesigned and now I could read the rest of the story!

So I decided to read the whole thing again, and to be clever about it I decided to read it on my asus eepc like it was a book (see photo) for this to work I had to:

  1. Use xrandr -o left to rotate the screen.
  2. Use grease monkey plugin to add left and right keyboard navigation keys
  3. Use stylish plugin to redesign the website so only the comic fit on the screen
  4. Use the F11 full screen mode in Firefox

Now that I have played around with how to do this and have found it comfortable enough to read with this orientation, I may be able to read other comics and stories from my bed before sleep, instead of at my computer desk.