Some comics are so good that they are compelling, the “City of Reality” is a story about a world connected tangentially to other worlds and everyone in Reality is nice, realistic, polite, supportive and understanding to one another. Now take a being who has come from one of these other worlds, he’s come to join the supers of Reality who help out and defeat any bad guys. The problem is that the city has been so crime free for so long that the job has generally fallen to kids who want a bit of an adventure.
Will they be able to cope with some new challenges? Will our new friend be able to cope with the seemingly maddening selfless attitudes of the populace? Check it out twice a month:
I love this comic, it’s very well drawn, it’s got fantastic writing and a charm I can’t quite place. The serious side is for me the mental experiment of what a world would be like if people were genuinely nice. Would it be interesting? would it be sustainable? Could one selfish person wreak the whole thing?
Like any good philosophy of social interaction, the comic discovers that being nice has a lot of advantages; but people in our world aren’t able to take advantage of them because we don’t know enough about other people to be able to trust them. So most people tend to form a “nice where possible” attitude that is a genuine attempt to be socially cohesive. It’s also true that unlike people in Reality, we are arrogant-centric and caught up in our own petty egos, trying to overcome our boundless fear of being wrong should be a major goal of any nice person.
Read it, tell me what you think!